Kagame doesn’t kill only by poisoning,his long time personal doctor,Emmanuel Gasakure,was shot dead.Dr. Gasakure,Once a chief cardiologist in the University of Nancy,France,56 at the time, was  killed in jail.They lied to the public that he wanted to flee&yet he was handcuffed!

Dr. Gasakure knew much about the health of President Paul Kagame.He could access the medical report of the president anytime.Kagame hates it when he thinks that people will know how to be able to sleep he takes some medications.He no longer trusted Gasakure with his privacy!

The woman and a key figure in Rwandan opposition Victoire Ingabire,he came from Netherlands,where she lived,to run for president. She was jailed,tortured and when she was released, political figures in his political party,were killed one by one to alienate and frustrate her so she can lose hope & die inside!

To frustrate Victoire Ingabire,any Rwandan who joined his political party was killed. Boniface Twagirimana,Deputy Leader of FDU-Inkingi,Ingabire’s party,was jailed and disappeared in 2018 to this day. Authorities in charge said he escaped,a sign he was killed!

Illuminée Iragena in her early thirties,a Kigali Nurse,joined Victoire Ingabire in her political party and frequently visited her when she was jailed for 8 years,but what happened later is very sad. One day she disappeared on her way to work! She never returned. She was killed!

Anselme Mutuyimana, 30, an assistant to Victoire Ingabire,was strangled to death and his body thrown in Gishwati Forest. His body was found by villagers, as a warning to them.The regime after killing,they don’t hide,they make sure others sees it,so that they can learn a lesson!

Isn’t this crazy? Murdering all political figures of a certain political party,if not a genocide,what is it a genocide then? Eugene Ndereyimana,a representative of FDU-Inkingi,Ingabire’s party,in the Eastern Providence,disappeared too on 15 July 2029. Disappearance in Rwanda often means death!

Sylidio Dusabumuremyi, the national coordinator of FDU-Inkingi,Ingabire’s party, in September 2019,he was stabbed to death where he worked in the shop of a health centre in the southern province. Two days before his death,he said he felt he was next on the line to be killed!

Venant Abayisenga,Victoire Ingabire’s aide,in June 2020 left the house to buy some credit for his phone and has not seen or heard from since. Venant spent two years and a half in prison accused of terrorism. He was acquitted of all charges in January 2020.

Before Ingabire came to run for president,many others underwent the same. Andre Kagwa Rwisereka,the Vice-president of the Democratic Green Party, tried to register his political party,but unfortunately in 2010,he was beheaded &found near the river,his head almost removed near the university of Rwanda in Butare.

Political figures  not ony die in Rwanda,also civilians are targeted. In 2017,Christine Iribagiza was found dead in his home.We discovered it was a state assassination after Kagame propagandists tried to spread rumors that she was killed by Interahamwe!

In 1998,Seth Sendashonga,a Rwandan Minister of interior,was shot dead in Nairobi,months after fleeing Rwanda. Sendashonga,one of the Hutu who supported Kagame’s RPF,didn’t stay quiet when the Hutu were getting massacred in masses between 1995-1999.Kagame then hunted him down!

If anyone helped Kagame and his political party to win the war against Habyarimana’s regime then Theoneste Lizinde should be on the list. He was the Chief of intelligence during Habyarimana’s era,who joined Kagame in their struggle. They shot him dead in Nairobi as well.

The death of Patrick Karegeya in a South African hotel made headlines. Karegeya was former Rwanda’s chief of intelligence who fell out with Kagame and fled the country.From that day,Kagame never slept until he was killed!They said,”If you live like a dog, you die like a dog!”

Thomas Ngeze,27,son of a journalist accused of genocide, was found hung in his hotel room in Johannesburg. After looking into this case,his friend Pieter-Jan Staelens died in a car fire in South Africa. Rwanda’s Trolls celebrated Ngeze’s death.They do it to threaten others!

The story of Alexis Mupende, who dated Ange Kagame’s husband before they got married,is not very new. Mupende was strangled at her home. Her husband’s former girl friends should be worried,Claudine Rubangura recently died mysteriously,she in the past dated the guy too.

The Kagame regime hates to hear about any Hutu Millionaire,who doesn’t kneel down for him,it’s in that case that a Hutu businessman in Mozambique,Revocate Kalemangingo,refused any relationship with him. He was shot dead in Maputo as a warning to other refugees living there!

Kizito Mihigo had vowed to unite the Hutu/Tutsi,little did he know that the regime is built on that division. He sang that during the genocide that not only the Tutsi but also the Hutu died. From that day the regime was angered,they jailed and torture him and later killed him!

Turatsinze Théogène,his body was found tied up and floating in the sea. The govt of Mozambique accused that of Rwanda and later retracted the accusation. If you become the Director of RDB,your chances of getting killed after are higher,they can’t let you go with their secrets!

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